Quotes from Tarkin:
"(The regional governors//I) now have direct
control over (territories//Riven). Fear will
keep the (local systems // villagers) in line.
Fear of this (battle station//Wahrk)."
"Her resistance to (the mind probe//incarceration)
is considerable. It will be some time before
(we//I) can extract any information from her...
Perhaps she would respond to an alternative form
of persuasion....I think it is time we demonstrated
the full power of (this station//the wahrk)."
..."Not until after we demonstrate the power of this
station//Wahrk). In a way, you have determined the
choice of the (planet//Age) that will be destroyed
first. Since you are reluctant to provide us with the
location of the (Rebel base//Rebel hive),
I have chosen to test this (station's //Wahrk's)
destructive power... on your (home planet of
Alderaan//Age of Riven)."
"You would prefer another target? A (military//
Moeity) target? Then name the (system//Age)! I grow
tired of asking this. So it'll be the last time.
Where is the (Rebel Base//Rebel hive)?"
Misunderstood? Mad?
Or simply trapped in parallel universes?
The debate goes on. One thing is certain:
If Tarkin had had a linking book, he'd have been a
lot better off. . .